Keith Gruen Advisory Board Member - running Hetras Cloud Based Hotel Management Software

What is a tech-savvy hotelier and how technically competent must a hotel manager be? These are questions that Carsten Hennig asked Keith Gruen in an interview. Both are well known in the hotel scene: one as a journalist and chief editor of Hotelier TV and the other as co-founder of both hetras and Fidelio. Both are well-versed in technology, but is this necessary for the traditional hotel manager? Should a hotel manager follow every technology trend?

Keith Gruen is clear about this: a hotelier doesn’t need to program in Java or define an interface. He or she only needs to understand what technology can do for hotel management: for example optimise rates, speed up processes and save costs. Guests, on the other hand, appreciate technology in a hotel when it works well, yet this does not need to make the service less personal. Follow the discussion in full length here.


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